How is it that some can accomplish things that seem inconceivable to another? What is it that allows someone to push beyond their own boundaries to discover what they are truly capable of?
When you are ignited by passion, it fuels your body, mind and spirit to act as a whole and you are exactly in sync with everything that you are and that you can be.
When the body and mind are functioning optimally, they are able to respond to the most inner desires of the soul. The soul has an ability to create a desire within the mind. The mind is more powerful than the body and can command the body to accomplish feats that would ordinarily seem impossible. When your actions resonate with the desires of the soul, passion is effortlessly created.
It’s your passion that continues to push you forward. A lack of it can cause you to lose the will to strive for greatness. When stress accumulates, it can distract you from your goals by creating separateness between the body and mind. When the mind cannot or does not want to deal with certain emotions, unexpressed feelings manifest as tension in the body. In order to not “feel” the emotion, the connection between the nervous system and the brain gets disrupted. Tension in the nerves cause the joints of the spine to restrict movement and the surrounding muscles become stiff. The brain is no longer conscious of the undesired emotions and concentrates on the discomfort that has manifested in the body.
Network Spinal Analysis uses light touches at specific vertebral segments to ease tension within the spinal cord. The brain becomes aware of the tension within the joints and muscles and initiates greater movement and deeper breath allowing for a release. Over time the body learns how to develop strategies to self-regulate and remembers how to heal. Releasing tension within the nervous system allows for optimal functioning both mentally and physically.
When the mind and the body work in accordance, the channel to your innermost desires becomes clearer and more accessible. When the journey towards a goal is fueled by passion, it creates the motivation necessary to inspire the mind to will the body to attain the spectacular desires of the soul.
“What you want to do, and what you can do, is only limited by what you can dream.” – Mike Melville