So, it’s been a busy year. I got a new puppy (well … he’s 1 now), I moved into a new house, and in one week I’ll have moved my practice to my newly renovated home. Each one of these changes required my time, attention and patience. Over this past year, trying to navigate these new challenges while attempting to keep on top of my usual responsibilities has taken a toll. Little by little, I was trading the space that I took to keep myself grounded and replaced them with distractions. Distractions to keep me from becoming receptive, reactive and fully aware of the overwhelm in my life.
There wasn’t anything overtly wrong. I mean, I was getting everything done that needed to get done. However, I was tired most of the time, less enthusiastic about most things, and everything felt like it took so much effort. Because there were so many other things that had to get done, I had taken time away from taking care of myself. Last year, I was meditating every morning and had regular appointments scheduled with my Network Chiropractor. Over the past year, I haven’t felt much like meditating and I only saw my Chiropractor a few times.
In the past 3 weeks, I’ve seen my chiropractor 3 times. I’ve realized that distracting myself from my stresses is no longer serving me. And I have started meditating again. In short, I’ve returned to following my own advice. I tell my patients that it’s better to keep your nervous system healthy by having regular care rather than waiting until you’re in physical or emotional pain. Best of all, I’m seeing the benefits within a few short weeks. I’m sleeping better, I’m no longer feeling tired and I have energy to better enjoy my days.
Your body is incredible in that, when you’re unable to deal with all that life throws at you, your nervous system can shift to prevent you from being aware that it is overwhelmed. In the short term this can be helpful, but in the long term it can keep you numb and disconnected. When you physically change your body and the tension in a particular area you can close yourself off from feeling. When this tension is released, it can free the body from a pattern that was holding it in a particular consciousness.
At BodyMind Wellness Studio, we focus on optimizing the communication between the brain and the body. Using light touches at specific vertebral segments to ease tension within the spinal cord, the brain becomes aware of the tension within the joints and muscles, and initiates greater movement and deeper breath allowing for a release. Over time the body learns how to develop strategies to self-regulate and remembers how to heal. Releasing tension within the nervous system allows for optimal functioning both mentally and physically.
If it’s been a while since you’ve last come to the office and you would like to get back on track, you can call the office 613-594-9595 or email me at to schedule a re-examination.
“When the mind and the body work in accordance, the channel to your innermost self becomes clearer and more accessible.” Dr. Julie Doobay
Copyright Dr. Julie Doobay 2023