It’s that time of the year again, when most of us decide what we would like or need in order to make our lives better. The reason for wanting most of these things is that we think that doing it or having it will bring us happiness. Happiness is the driving force behind most of our actions and desires, but it doesn’t mean that we can’t be happy until those desires are fulfilled. At times, we become so focused on where it is that we want to be that we cannot see the miracles along the way to our desires.
Think about how often you justify putting off happiness until a certain set of circumstances allows for it. We tell ourselves that we will wait to be happy until the work week is finished, until the scale reveals that magical number, until we fall in love or until we get out of debt. While it will be great when these things happen, it is not necessary for these events to occur in order to allow us to experience happiness. The truth is that there is no guarantee that we will be able to enjoy the fruits of our labour, so we may as well enjoy the journey toward our goals.
We alone have the ultimate power to decide whether or not we will allow ourselves to tune into happiness. Until you realize that it is you who determines your own happiness, you may be waiting for something or someone that may never show up. While your ultimate goal may not yet have taken shape, think about the little things along the way that did bring you enjoyment. Find the one thing that is working for you and squeeze every little bit of enjoyment and appreciation that you can get out of it. Tune into feeling good in the only time that matters, now.
Take a look at all the miracles that are currently part of your life. Those things that you are so accustomed to that you take them for granted. Taking some time to appreciate what you already have will bring your focus into the present so you can start seeing the miracles that surround you. Take a moment to appreciate the people in your life. Is there someone that brought a smile to your face today? Close your eyes. Think about how it felt, the warmth and joy that rushed through your body as that smile was brought to your face. In that moment you were happy. That was just a tiny part of your day but if you tuned into moments like this more often they would soon be the highlight of your day rather than those that you took for granted.
Stop waiting until something better happens, or to have something that you don’t yet own, before you start enjoying your life. There is no guarantee of a perfect moment. There will never be a more perfect moment than right now. This moment is exactly as it is supposed to be. Your happiness doesn’t only exist in the future and hasn’t been lost in the past. Your happiness is right here. Your life is happening right now and it is your choice to decide if you’re going to enjoy it.
“We don’t have to wait until our desires are fulfilled to enjoy our life. Happiness is a choice, and life is happening in this very moment. Choose to be happy right now.” Dr. Julie
Copyright Dr. Julie Doobay 2024